
Rules of prize games and competitions

1. General regulations

Organizer of prize games and competitions is PLEVNIK, doo, Podsmreka 56, 1356 Dobrova, Slovenia, web address: https://www.plevnik.eu (hereinafter: organizer).

The course of prize games and competitions is published on the Facebook social network for each game or a competition separately. Prizes and competitions are held on the Facebook social network, with Facebook Inc. 1601 S California Ave, Palo Alto, CA, 94304, USA, or, its affiliates (“Facebook Inc.”) is not a sponsor of prize games, competitions, nor is it connected in any way with Facebook Inc.

The purpose of the prize games and competitions is to get followers on Plevnik Facebook page and the promotion of the company.


2. Conditions for participation in the prize game

All users and users of the Facebook network, who meet the following conditions, can participate in the prize game:

– are over 13 years of age,

– accept these terms of participation in the prize game and the rules of the Facebook network.

Employees and their immediate family members may not participate in the prize competition or competitions on behalf of the organizer of the game. A legal entity cannot be a participant in the prize game. The participant is considered to be acquainted with the rules of the prize game by participating in the prize competition.


3. Mode of cooperation

A Facebook user who wants to participate in a prize game must allow the organizer to access his Facebook personal information (name, surname, e-mail address, sex) and must meet the requirements of each game, (eg, “Post a picture of your finished product into a comment”).

In each prize game or competition, each participant can participate only once.

After the completion of the prize game or the competition, organizer will prepare a final list of all participants who have fulfilled the condition for participation in the prize competition. Rewarding of prize winners always takes place after the end of the prize game or the competition at the headquarters of the organizer and in the presence of the three-member commission of the organizers’ representatives.

The organizer reserves the right to permanently exclude a participant who does not act in accordance with the rules and conditions of participation from participating in the prize game or the competition. competition.

A Facebook user by publishing a photo, video or statement on the Facebook page of the company Plevnik permanently allows Plevnik to use a photo, video or statement for marketing and promotional materials.


4. Prizes and awards

The organizer will award the prize. The prize-winner will be informed of the prize from the announcement on the Facebook page of the company Plevnik or via direct messaging on Facebook. The winner will have to send the personal data (name and surname, address) within 3 days of the announcement to the organizer in a private message on the Facebook page of the Plevnik. The organizer will send the prize by post or electronically to the prize winner. If the winner of personal data does not intervene within the required time limit, it is considered that he does not wish to receive the prize, thereby losing the right to a prize. In such a case, the organizer is free from all obligations to the winner. The organizer’s discretion is that he decides whether he will award such a prize to someone else or not. The organizer reserves the right not to award prizes if:

– the winner does not fulfil the conditions for receiving the prize,

– there is doubt about the identity of the data (false profile),

– it is established that the user participated in the game in violation of the rules and conditions of the prize game.

By participating in the prize game, the participants agree in advance and agree that in case they become winners, the organizer will publish their name and surname at https://www.facebook.com/Plevnik.Engineering/.  The prize-winner can refuse to take the prize. If the prize-winner refuses to accept the prize, it is considered that he does not want to accept the prize, and so the organizer is free of all obligations under this prize game. At the same time, the organizer obtains the right to dispose of the prize for any other purpose.

Prizes cannot be exchanged or paid out in cash. The rights to the reward cannot be transferred to a third party.


5. Responsibilities of the organizer

The organizer does not assume any responsibility for:

– failure of Facebook pages and consequences of inaction, regardless of the reasons for failure,

– failure of a Facebook page due to a failure of the contracting party network, power failure or other technical disturbances that could temporarily interfere with the use of the service,

– any consequences that the participants would suffer from participating in the prize draw,

– any consequences when using the prizes.


6. Protection of personal data

Participants participating in the prize competition explicitly allow the organizer to obtain and further process his personal data from his Facebook account, his name and surname, email address, etc. from the Facebook network. The organizer guarantees the protection of personal data of the winners in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia No. 86/04 and 67/07). By participating in the prize-winning game, the participant shall allow the organizer to store the submitted personal data until the conclusion of the prize-winning game with the intention of publishing the list of winners. The organizer undertakes not to forward the winners data to third parties unless this is necessary for the performance of the prize competition or if it is in accordance with the regulations in force. At the time of personal data management, an individual has the possibility to inspect, copy, update, correct, block and delete personal data in the database, in accordance with the applicable regulations. Participants in the prize-winning game may withdraw their participation in the prize game during the duration of the prize game, thereby removing their personal data from the personal data base. To cancel participation in the prize game, they must submit a request to the e-mail address: info@plevnik.si.


7. Final regulations

Participation in the prize game shall be deemed that the participants agree with these rules. The organizer reserves the right to change the rules if the reasons of technical or commercial nature or the reasons on the part of the public so require. About the changes and novelties of the prize game, the organizer will inform the participants on the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Plevnik.Engineering/. Complaints and complaints regarding the prize game can be sent by the participants to the e-mail address: info@plevnik.si. In the event of disputes arising in connection with the prize game, the court of Ljubljana shall have jurisdiction.



Podsmreka, 23. 4. 2019