
We are presenting a brand-new product: cheese vat SKH/SCH 2O. It uses two O-shaped kettles merged into one uniquely shaped cheese vat and presents a modern, up-to-date space-saving solution. This new cheese vat helps you achieve more. Specially shaped harps ensure higher efficiency – you get more cheese from the same volume of milk since the precise cutting of the cheese mass is extra precise. It is appropriate for processing larger quantities of milk (from 500 to 5000 litres).

The advantages of cheese vat 2O are:

  • 2–4 % more cheese mass from the same quantity of milk due to cheese harps with sharp blades that ensure a higher cutting quality.
  • Up to 10 % lower energy consumption due to good isolation of the container and laser welded coating.
  • Reduced labour costs. It has no planetary drive.
  • Faster discharge of the vessel. The conical bottom has two drains.
  • Less space occupancy.
  • Advanced control of thermal treatment processes with user-friendly controller MC.

A closed execution is also available – cistern SCH 2O, that has additional advantages:

  • Additional energy savings and better process control due to the closed execution.
  • Cleaning in place (CIP): high-quality cleaning with an automated system (CIP), which saves time, money and water.
  • Closed execution enabled also the highest hygienic standards to be achieved, as there are no external factors.

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